
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

VIDEO - Greyson Chance in China – On His Date, Dancing, and Goofing Around!

Greyson Chance goofing around backstage in China

Greyson Chance might not have been able to watch the fireworks in America this year since he was in China, but it looks like he still had a pretty good time!

At last we have some video of Greyson’s DATE with contest winner Weenie and his early birthday party from his trip to China earlier this month!

There is also some GREAT behind the scenes footage showing Greyson dancing and goofing around in his dressing room and warming up his voice before his performance.

Watch the “Greyson Chance Visits China” Video

If the above video doesn't load you can watch it here.

Okay, see? We always thought Greyson was a bit of a nervous person - but now we’re pretty sure!

I don’t think the kid can stand still for one minute…

Related: Greyson's Karaoke and Photo Party in China - Photos
Related: Greyson visits Changsha China - Photos
Related: Greyson does "Happy Camp" TV show - Video

It looks like Greyson had a blast on his trip and we especially like the “Greysonmobile” with his picture on the side.

We have complete photo albums on our Facebook page with pictures of Greyson’s trip through China and Hong Kong, and from his previous trips last April and last November.

Poke around our blog and you’ll find videos and photos from Jakarta, Manila, KL, Singapore, Thailand, and elsewhere!

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  1. What a nerd.... But that's why I love him :)

  2. OMG - that is the most adorable video I have ever seen. Oh Grey Grey... you say you can't dance but you DID dance!

  3. I love the part where he felt itchy when the wire goes inside his jacket, so cuuuuuute!

  4. should fix the link...

  5. If the video does not load just use the link BELOW the video. China is blocking EMBED access to some countries at certain times...

  6. The epithet "a bit of a spaz" is totally uncool in English English. Believe me, you'd get repercussions if you said it over here!

  7. I can't watch this :'(
    anyone can upload the another of this video please???
