Thursday, September 6, 2012

Happy Birthday! - GCU Turns One Year Old! - A Message From The Head Ninja...

Can you believe it?

One year ago a small group of friends sat down to create a blog and twitter account dedicated to their favorite new artist Greyson Chance - not knowing what to expect or if it would even be worth the time...

Now a year has gone by and we look back at our journey and it has been an unbelievable success and amazing experience.

We have met so many wonderful people and had the opportunity to watch Greyson grow and mature from the little kid playing Paparazzi, to the more mature musical artist performing his newest song “Sunshine & City Lights”.

What a year it has been!

We have had millions of views on our blog and built a twitter fan base of over 25,000 loyal followers who visit us almost every day to catch up on news about Greyson.

We realize that over the last year we have become the de facto source of news and information about Greyson, and have learned that with great interest also comes great responsibility.

We have made a few mistakes along the way but we try hard to stay true to our followers who count on us for truthful, trustworthy, funny, dependable, reliable and timely information about Greyson and his current projects and whereabouts.

Secret Purple Ninja Spy
Many people wonder who we are… and how we get access to so much information about Greyson.

We have been accused of just about everything under the sun - but we deflect it and keep going forward anyway.

And yes, we do have a few resources that allow us to peek inside Greyson’s world and we must protect and treat those with the highest respect.

Like Greyson said once in an interview,
“The internet can be a hurtful and dangerous place…”
We have seen the hurt. And we have seen the danger - and it can be ugly.

That’s why our Ninjas have stuck to our core mission statement,
“No Hate. No Drama. Just Greyson. All Day. Every Day.”
And this is why we decided on DAY ONE of this project to remain anonymous.

Because at the end of the day it’s not really important who we are, how fat or skinny we are, what we do, where we live, or what we look like… What’s important is what we SHARE with YOU - and we want our work to speak for itself.

So tonight our little group of Ninjas is going to bake a big purple Birthday cake and sit around in a circle and eat the entire thing.

We’re going to laugh about the funny things we have seen this year, and we’re going to cry about the sad and hurtful things we have seen.

And tomorrow we’re going to get out of bed and put this last year behind us and start tweeting and blogging again just like nothing ever happened.

This is what we do. This is what we want to do. We do this for Greyson. We do this for YOU and for Enchancers all around the world.

We are the #SecretPurpleNinjaSpies for Greyson.

Be happy. Be brave. Be accepting. Be yourself. Be funny. Be smart.

Thanks for a great first year and we’ll see ya’ll on Twitter!

Greyson Chance Universe

Follow @GreysonChanceU on Twitter
Follow GreysonChanceU on Facebook


  1. I'm sobbing... you guys... AHHH OMG - I CAN'T EVEN... all I can say is thanks

  2. Am I The Only One That Clicked On The Greyson Chance Shirtless Video Once The First Video Ended. XD And GreysonChanceU May You Please Take A Look At A GC FanPage On FB For Me. it Would Mean The World. ( Greys0n Michael Chance ;D ) That's My Fan Page For GreyGrey. Love Dolly ♥ Aka @7Enchancer7 On Twitter. Love Y'All!!

  3. Congratulations!:* We love you!:)

  4. Only one year? It feels that you have been part of the scenery for longer.
    There have been other well informed and diligent English language fansites, but they've given up the chase. The baton is in YOUR hand now.

    My one reservation is that you are too uncritical of, not so much Greyson himself, but of his advisors and their influence on his career. Tough love is sometimes what teenagers need, although they would never admit it.
    "No hate" OK, "no drama" what's wrong with a bit of drama to stimulate the discussion. How many "OMG he's so cute" comments can YOU read without falling asleep?

    But I see your dilemma, GCU. Your function as THE (de facto, indeed) ONLY information provider might be jeopardised if you alienated your sources. And many fans hate the slightest criticism of their idol. So I guess i'm wrong to criticise you.

    So I've taken it upon myself to be a bête noire, the "evil duckbita", the Devil's advocate on YouTube. Just to provide some balance.
    But most fans hate me for this lol

  5. Congrats guys, ong live and keep being best fanbase ever, we enchancers love you so much :D


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